Recommended as a preventive measure, to spot signs of disease early, and as a regular checkup – in particular
- for the health-conscious wanting to monitor their health
- for people under permanent stress, both in the workplace and at home
- for those with functional heart problems, such as palpitations, racing heart or skipped heartbeat
- for people with a familial predisposition to cardiovascular disorders
- for patients at risk due to lack of exercise, stress, diabetes, smoking, or because they are overweight
Fit and healthy regardless of age – early detection is key
Our cardiovascular prevention programme comprises an extensive examination of your entire heart circulatory system, and includes testing of the vascular system and pulmonary function, with an X-ray of the thorax if required. In addition, we check for high blood pressure, heart rhythm abnormalities (arrhythmias) and metabolic disorders.
Only if potential risk factors or diseases themselves are detected early will you be able to function efficiently in your job and remain physically active on a long-term basis.
Our cardiovascular check comprises the following:
12-lead ECG, cardiac ultrasound, exercise stress test, pulmonary function analysis, determination of ankle-brachial pressure index, exercise cardiac ultrasound (stress echo), ultrasound examination of the vascular system (neck, chest, abdominal aorta, groin), comprehensive consultation and final report, long-term ECG, long-term blood pressure monitoring, laboratory diagnostics (optional).
Health insurance and billing
The health check and performance tests are not included in the catalogue of services paid for by statutory health insurance providers and are classed as private medical examinations. Billing for these is calculated on the basis of the GOÄ scale of charges for physicians. In the case of privately insured patients the costs will be reimbursed by the private health insurance.
Stroke prevention health check:
This check helps us to spot the typical conditions that can pave the way for stroke, for example atherosclerosis, heart rhythm abnormalities and individual risk factors.
Timely checkups – detecting early and minimizing the risk of stroke
A stroke does not just occur out of the blue without warning, as is the common perception. It frequently develops over several decades. The most common causes of stroke are high blood pressure, heart rhythm abnormalities, and atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels.
The elastic vascular walls become increasingly hardened. Deposits (plaques) form and the blood vessels narrow. The final stage is a stroke.
The stroke prevention programme comprises a comprehensive preliminary consultation, covering current symptoms, pre-existing conditions and inherited risk factors, followed by extensive ultrasound tests. We look at the arteries in your neck – this also includes measurement of the inside layer (intima media) – and examine your heart. In addition, we check for high blood pressure and heart rhythm abnormalities.
Services and costs
Our stroke prevention check includes the following: a physical examination, 12-lead ECG, cardiac ultrasound, ultrasound examination of the carotid artery, comprehensive consultation and final report, long-term ECG, laboratory diagnostics (optional)
Health insurance and billing
The health check and performance tests are not included in the catalogue of services paid for by statutory health insurance providers and are classed as private medical examinations. Billing for these is calculated on the basis of the GOÄ scale of charges for physicians. In the case of privately insured patients the costs will be reimbursed by the private health insurance.
When is an early detection health check for stroke recommended?
The health check is designed to spot warning signs and prevent stroke, and as a regular surveillance check, in particular in cases where patients are at risk due to heart rhythm abnormalities, atrial fibrillation, or skipped heartbeat.
It is also recommended if the patient
• has diabetes mellitus
• is overweight and has raised blood lipid levels
• has high blood pressure
• has circulatory problems
• has an inherited or age-related weakness of the vascular walls
• is permanently under stress
• is starting the menopause
• has coronary heart disease
• suffers from cardiac insufficiency
• does a lot of sport
For this quick test all that is needed is your systolic (upper) blood pressure reading and general information about your body and your lifestyle. You will be given the evaluation immediately.
Information about the heart attack risk calculator
Our risk calculator assesses your personal risk of suffering a heart attack (myocardial infarction) within the next ten years. The statistical calculation is based on data from what is know as the PROCAM Study in Germany, in which 50,000 people aged 16 to 65 took part. However, if you have had a heart attack or stroke in the past, suffer from angina or know that you have vascular disease, you are already at higher risk of heart attack, and it will not be necessary for you to have your risk assessed again.
Regular exercise and sports that require stamina play a decisive part in preventing cardiovascular disorders and in improving the long-term prospects of people at risk or already suffering from cardiovascular disease.
Anyone embarking on a sporting activity should be fully aware of the potential risks involved and will then be able to avoid any threat to the cardiovascular system posed by sports or workouts.
If you know your own performance capabilities, it will be easier for you to judge where your personal physical limits lie.
Our fitness test for sporting activities consists of questions about your medical history, a physical examination of the heart, a Colour Doppler echocardiography test and a standard resting ECG and exercise stress test.
The Colour Doppler echocardiography test is an ultrasound examination of the heart which builds a clear image of the heart muscle and valves, enabling us to scrutinize how well they function. It makes it possible to measure the heart in its entirety as well as the individual parts. In addition the Colour Doppler test also enables us to look at blood flow velocity within the heart and the heart valves.
With the help of the exercise stress test any potential risks, such as high blood pressure, circulatory problems in the coronary vessels or rhythm abnormalities, can be detected, and the performance capabilities of your cardiovascular system can thus be measured.
As a result, you will be able to plan your sporting activities in a safer and much more effective way.
When is cardiological fitness testing for sporting activities recommended?
This is recommended in cases where it is necessary to find out whether a person is fit enough for and capable of doing sport – especially
- when taking up sport again following cardiovascular disorders
- when taking up sport while overweight
- when taking up sport from the age of 40 onward
- in the case of people who do a lot of sport, especially competitive sports and diving
- in the case of people who are particularly health-conscious